This constructs an empty network. It is commonplace to call addParts to build up the network to have the same structure as a Diagram's or Group's nodes and links.
edgesGets a collection of all of the LayoutEdges in this network. Do not modify this collection directly. Instead, call addEdge, deleteEdge, addLink, or deleteLink.
layoutGets the Layout that uses this network of LayoutVertexes and LayoutEdges. The default value is null. It is set automatically for you when this setting
vertexesGets a collection of all of the LayoutVertexes in this network. Do not modify this collection directly. Instead, call addVertex, deleteVertex, addNode, or deleteNode.
Adds a LayoutEdge to the network. Although this method is provided for completeness, linkVertexes provides a more efficient manner of linking vertexes already in the network.
This convenience method makes sure there is a LayoutEdge in this network corresponding to a Link. If findEdge returns null, this method creates a new LayoutEdge, makes sure the Link.fromNode and Link.toNode have corresponding LayoutVertexes in the network, and adds the edge itself to the network.
an edge in this network.
This convenience method makes sure there is a LayoutVertex in this network corresponding to a Node.
a vertex in this network.
Creates a network of LayoutVertexes and LayoutEdges corresponding to the given Nodes and Links. This is usually more convenient than repeatedly calling addNode and addLink. This method ignores all instances of Parts that are not Nodes or Links. This will recurse through Groups that have no Group.layout.
toplevelonly: booleanwhether to skip Parts in the given collection that are contained by Groups; default is false
pred: ((a: Part) => boolean)optional predicate to apply to each Part -- if it returns false do not include Vertex or Edge in the network; default ignores link label nodes or links connecting with them
Adds a LayoutVertex to the network.
createAllocate a new instance of LayoutEdge. This is overridden in LayoutNetwork subclasses to create instances of subclasses of LayoutEdge. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.
createAllocate a new instance of LayoutVertex. This is overridden in LayoutNetwork subclasses to create instances of subclasses of LayoutVertex. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.
deleteDeletes all vertexes and edges that have no Part associated with them.
Removes a LayoutEdge from the network.
This convenience method deletes from this network any LayoutEdge corresponding to a Link.
This convenience method deletes any LayoutVertex corresponding to a Node.
Deletes all LayoutEdges whose "to vertex" and "from vertex" are the same vertex.
Removes a LayoutVertex from the network. This function also deletes all edges to or from the vertex.
Retrieve all of the Nodes and Links from the LayoutVertexes and LayoutEdges that are in this network.
A collection of Parts.
Returns the LayoutEdge that was constructed for the Link.
an edge in this network, or null if no such edge exists.
Returns the LayoutVertex that was constructed for the Node.
a vertex in this network, or null if no such vertex exists.
Links two vertexes already in the network and returns the created LayoutEdge.
an edge in this network, or null if both vertexes don't exist.
Reverses the direction of a LayoutEdge in the network.
Modify this network by splitting it up into separate subnetworks, each of which has all of its vertexes connected to each other, but not to any vertexes in any other subnetworks.
This method will first delete from this network all artificial vertexes and all edges that do not connect two different vertexes. Afterwards, this original network may be empty or may contain all of the singleton vertexes, each of which had no edges connecting it to any other vertexes.
clean: booleanwhether to delete artificial vertexes and edges, disconnected edges, and reflexive edges; default is true
a collection of LayoutNetworks, sorted in order of decreasing vertex count.
This provides an abstract view of a diagram as a network (graph) of vertexes and directed edges. The network contains vertexes and edges corresponding to Nodes and Links.
This class provides a framework for manipulating the state of nodes and links without modifying the structure of the diagram. Having a separate representation also permits adding or removing vertexes or edges from the network so that the graph that is laid out is not isomorphic to the diagram's graph.
For each kind of layout that uses a LayoutNetwork there is a subclass of LayoutVertex and a subclass of LayoutEdge:
Modifying a LayoutNetwork or a LayoutVertex or a LayoutEdge does not invalidate the Layout or raise any changed events.