Interface Iterable<T>

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.19
by Northwoods Software®

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This interface is implemented by the List, Set, and Map classes; it provides the iterator read-only property that returns an Iterator.

Typical usage is:

const it = anIterableCollection.iterator;
while ( {
const item = it.value;

Type Parameters

  • T

Implemented by





  • Returns IterableIterator<T>

  • Returns the first item in the list, or null if there is none.

    Returns T

    This returns null if there are no items in the list.


This read-only property is the number of elements in the collection.

Gets an Iterator that can iterate over the items in the collection.

Typical usage is:

 const it = anIterableCollection.iterator;
while ( {
const item = it.value;