Class Group

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.13
by Northwoods Software®


A Group is a Node that can contain a subgraph of Nodes and Links, which are members of the group.

For more discussion, see Introduction to Groups. See samples that make use of Groups in the samples index.

Although you can create a Group and Diagram.add it to a Diagram, this does not update the Model. It is more common to create a group by adding a node data object to the model by calling Model.addNodeData. For example:

  myDiagram.startTransaction("make new group");
myDiagram.model.addNodeData({ key: "Omega", isGroup: true });
myDiagram.commitTransaction("make new group");

This will cause a Group to be created (copying the template found in Diagram.groupTemplateMap), added to the Diagram in some Layer (based on Part.layerName), and bound to the group data (resulting in referring to that group data object). Note that the JavaScript object includes setting isGroup to true, to indicate that the object represents a Group rather than a regular Node or simple Part.

The member Parts of a Group, which you can access as the memberParts collection, belong to the group but are not in the visual tree of the group. All Parts are directly in Layers -- they cannot be inside a Panel. This allows group member parts to be in layers different from the group's layer.

You can change the membership of a Node or a simple Part in a Group by setting its Part.containingGroup property. This is done automatically for you by the diagram if you initialize the group property on the node data in the model to be the key of the containing group node data. Thus you should do something like:

  myDiagram.startTransaction("add new member");
myDiagram.model.addNodeData({ group: someExistingGroupKey, ... });
myDiagram.commitTransaction("add new member");

where you would make sure the node data object included all of the properties you need. You can also change the relationship dynamically by calling GraphLinksModel.setGroupKeyForNodeData.

The membership of Links is computed automatically for you by the diagram based on the membership of the connected Nodes. For example, if the Link.fromNode is a top-level node but the Link.toNode is a member of a group, the link is a top-level link. If the two connected nodes both belong to the same group, the link is a member of that group. If the two connected nodes belong to different groups, the link belongs to the common container group, if there is any. Note that if a link connects a member of a group with the group itself, the link is a member of that group.

All of the group-member relationships effectively form a tree structure. These properties and methods are useful in navigating these relationships:

As the membership of a group changes, you may want to update the appearance of the group. You can set the memberAdded and memberRemoved properties to be functions that are called. These functions must not modify any membership relationships -- these function properties just exist to update the appearance of the Group.

You can control whether certain Nodes are added to a Group by CommandHandler.groupSelection or addMembers or CommandHandler.addTopLevelParts by affecting the result of CommandHandler.isValidMember, which is responsible for deciding whether it is OK to add a Node to a Group or to remove a Node from a Group to be a top-level node. You can override that predicate on CommandHandler, but it is easier to set the memberValidation or CommandHandler.memberValidation functional property.

For a more general discussion of validation, see Introduction to Validation.

The area occupied by the subgraph is represented in the group's visual tree by a Placeholder. As the group placeholder grows and shrinks based on the sizes and positions of the member nodes and links, the group will grow and shrink accordingly. The placeholder is always the Part.locationObject, although you may specify any Spot as the Part.locationSpot. A Group need not have a placeholder, but it may have at most one.

A group has its own layout property that is used to position the member nodes and route the member links.

The Group class also supports the notion of expanding and collapsing the subgraph, causing the member nodes and links to be shown or hidden. Principally this is a matter of setting isSubGraphExpanded. Changes to this property will result in calls to collapseSubGraph or expandSubGraph, as appropriate.

If you want to change the appearance of the group you can do so in a function that you assign to the subGraphExpandedChanged property. This function must not modify any member relationships or expand or collapse any groups -- the functional property just exists to update the appearance of the Group.

For more discussion and examples, see SubGraphs.

If you want the user to be able to create a Group out of the currently selected Parts using the CommandHandler.groupSelection command, you need to first set the CommandHandler.archetypeGroupData property to a data object with isGroup set to true. If you want the user to be able to ungroup a Group, using the CommandHandler.ungroupSelection command, you need to set ungroupable to true.

For more discussion and examples, see Groups, SubGraphs, and Sized Groups.

Only Groups that are in Diagrams can have member Parts or connections via Links. Templates should not be connected with Links, be labels of Links, be members of Groups, have any member Parts, or have any Adornments.



GraphObject.actionCancel GraphObject.actionDown GraphObject.actionMove GraphObject.actionUp GraphObject.actualBounds GraphObject.alignment GraphObject.alignmentFocus GraphObject.angle GraphObject.background GraphObject.column GraphObject.columnSpan GraphObject.contextClick GraphObject.contextMenu GraphObject.cursor GraphObject.desiredSize GraphObject.doubleClick GraphObject.enabledChanged GraphObject.fromEndSegmentLength GraphObject.fromLinkable GraphObject.fromLinkableDuplicates GraphObject.fromLinkableSelfNode GraphObject.fromMaxLinks GraphObject.fromShortLength GraphObject.fromSpot GraphObject.height GraphObject.isActionable GraphObject.isPanelMain GraphObject.margin GraphObject.maxSize GraphObject.measuredBounds GraphObject.minSize GraphObject.mouseDragEnter GraphObject.mouseDragLeave GraphObject.mouseDrop GraphObject.mouseEnter GraphObject.mouseHold GraphObject.mouseHover GraphObject.mouseLeave GraphObject.mouseOver GraphObject.naturalBounds GraphObject.opacity GraphObject.panel GraphObject.part GraphObject.pickable GraphObject.portId GraphObject.position GraphObject.row GraphObject.rowSpan GraphObject.scale GraphObject.segmentFraction GraphObject.segmentIndex GraphObject.segmentOffset GraphObject.segmentOrientation GraphObject.shadowVisible GraphObject.stretch GraphObject.toEndSegmentLength GraphObject.toLinkable GraphObject.toLinkableDuplicates GraphObject.toLinkableSelfNode GraphObject.toMaxLinks GraphObject.toShortLength GraphObject.toSpot GraphObject.toolTip GraphObject.visible GraphObject.width Node.avoidable Node.avoidableMargin Node.isLinkLabel Node.isTreeExpanded Node.isTreeLeaf Node.isTreeRoot Node.labeledLink Node.linkConnected Node.linkDisconnected Node.linkValidation Node.linksConnected Node.port Node.portSpreading Node.ports Node.treeExpandedChanged Node.wasTreeExpanded Panel.alignmentFocusName Panel.columnCount Panel.columnSizing Panel.defaultAlignment Panel.defaultColumnSeparatorDashArray Panel.defaultColumnSeparatorStroke Panel.defaultColumnSeparatorStrokeWidth Panel.defaultRowSeparatorDashArray Panel.defaultRowSeparatorStroke Panel.defaultRowSeparatorStrokeWidth Panel.defaultSeparatorPadding Panel.defaultStretch Panel.elements Panel.graduatedMax Panel.graduatedMin Panel.graduatedRange Panel.graduatedTickBase Panel.graduatedTickUnit Panel.gridCellSize Panel.gridOrigin Panel.isClipping Panel.isEnabled Panel.isOpposite Panel.itemArray Panel.itemCategoryProperty Panel.itemIndex Panel.itemTemplate Panel.itemTemplateMap Panel.leftIndex Panel.padding Panel.rowCount Panel.rowSizing Panel.topIndex Panel.type Panel.viewboxStretch Part.adornments Part.category Part.containingGroup Part.containingGroupChanged Part.copyable Part.deletable Part.diagram Part.dragComputation Part.groupable Part.highlightedChanged Part.isAnimated Part.isHighlighted Part.isInDocumentBounds Part.isLayoutPositioned Part.isSelected Part.isShadowed Part.isTopLevel Part.key Part.layer Part.layerChanged Part.layerName Part.layoutConditions Part.location Part.locationObject Part.locationObjectName Part.locationSpot Part.maxLocation Part.minLocation Part.movable Part.reshapable Part.resizable Part.resizeAdornmentTemplate Part.resizeCellSize Part.resizeObject Part.resizeObjectName Part.rotatable Part.rotateAdornmentTemplate Part.rotateObject Part.rotateObjectName Part.rotationSpot Part.selectable Part.selectionAdorned Part.selectionAdornmentTemplate Part.selectionChanged Part.selectionObject Part.selectionObjectName Part.shadowBlur Part.shadowColor Part.shadowOffset Part.text Part.textEditable Part.zOrder


GraphObject.apply GraphObject.attach GraphObject.bind GraphObject.bindModel GraphObject.bindObject GraphObject.bindTwoWay GraphObject.findBindingPanel GraphObject.getDocumentAngle GraphObject.getDocumentPoint GraphObject.getDocumentScale GraphObject.getLocalPoint GraphObject.isContainedBy GraphObject.isEnabledObject GraphObject.isVisibleObject GraphObject.set GraphObject.setProperties GraphObject.theme GraphObject.themeData GraphObject.themeModel GraphObject.themeObject GraphObject.trigger Node.collapseTree Node.expandTree Node.findCommonTreeParent Node.findExternalTreeLinksConnected Node.findLinksBetween Node.findLinksConnected Node.findLinksInto Node.findLinksOutOf Node.findLinksTo Node.findNodesConnected Node.findNodesInto Node.findNodesOutOf Node.findPort Node.findTreeChildrenLinks Node.findTreeChildrenNodes Node.findTreeLevel Node.findTreeParentChain Node.findTreeParentLink Node.findTreeParentNode Node.findTreeParts Node.findTreeRoot Node.findVisibleNode Node.getAvoidableRect Node.isInTreeOf Panel.add Panel.addColumnDefinition Panel.addRowColumnDefinition Panel.addRowDefinition Panel.copy Panel.copyTemplate Panel.elt Panel.findColumnForLocalX Panel.findItemPanelForData Panel.findMainElement Panel.findObject Panel.findRowForLocalY Panel.getColumnDefinition Panel.getRowDefinition Panel.graduatedPointForValue Panel.graduatedValueForPoint Panel.insertAt Panel.rebuildItemElements Panel.remove Panel.removeAt Panel.removeColumnDefinition Panel.removeRowDefinition Part.addAdornment Part.canCopy Part.canDelete Part.canEdit Part.canGroup Part.canLayout Part.canMove Part.canReshape Part.canResize Part.canRotate Part.canSelect Part.clearAdornments Part.findAdornment Part.findCommonContainingGroup Part.findSubGraphLevel Part.findTopLevelPart Part.getDocumentBounds Part.invalidateLayout Part.isMemberOf Part.isVisible Part.moveTo Part.removeAdornment Part.updateAdornments Part.updateRelationshipsFromData Part.updateTargetBindings


  • Constructs an empty Group with no visual elements and no member parts; typically a Group will have some visual elements surrounding a Placeholder.

    The panel type must be a PanelLayout, such as Panel.Position). The string value such as "Auto" may also be used.

    Usage example:

    // Constructs a Group, sets properties on it,
    // adds a data binding to it,
    // and adds two GraphObjects to the Group:
    const g = new go.Group("Auto", {
    margin: 5,
    background: "red"
    new go.Shape("RoundedRectangle"),
    new go.TextBlock("Some Text")


    • Optional type: string | PanelLayout

      a string or PanelLayout, such as "Horizontal", Panel.Vertical. If not supplied, the default Panel type is "Position".

    • Optional init: Partial<Group>

      Optional initialization properties.

    Returns Group

  • Constructs an empty Panel. Default type is Panel.Position.


    • Optional init: Partial<Group>

      Optional initialization properties.

    Returns Group


  • Gets or sets whether the size of the area of the Group's placeholder should remain the same during a DraggingTool move until a drop occurs. Groups within temporary layers (such as new Groups during a drag-copy) are unaffected by this property.

    In other words, when the value is true, re-computing the bounds of the members is suspended until a drop occurs, at which time the border is recomputed, perhaps not including some members that had been dragged out and reparented. The initial value is false.

  • Gets or sets whether a placeholder's bounds includes the bounds of member Links. The default value is true. If this is false, only non-Link member Parts are used to compute the Placeholder's bounds in document coordinates.

  • Gets or sets whether a placeholder's bounds includes the previous Group.location. The default value is false.

  • Gets or sets whether drag-and-drop events may be bubbled up to this Group if not handled by member Parts. The default value is false -- each Node or Link that is a member of the Group needs to define its own GraphObject.mouseDragEnter, GraphObject.mouseDragLeave, and GraphObject.mouseDrop event handlers if you want dragging/dropping on a member part to act as if the user were acting on the group.

    This is currently restricted to only call the mouseDragEnter, mouseDragLeave, and mouseDrop event handlers defined on the whole Group, not on any element inside the Group's visual tree.

  • Gets or sets the Layout used to position all of the immediate member nodes and links in this group. By default this property is an instance of Layout -- no special layout is used, which just makes sure each member node has a valid location.

    A group layout must not be shared with any Diagram.layout.

  • Gets or sets the function that is called after a member Part has been added to this Group. It is typically used to modify the appearance of the group. The first argument will be this Group. The second argument will be a Part, typically a Node, but may be a simple Part or a Link.

    If the value is a function, that function must not modify any membership relationships. The member Part has already been added -- trying to remove it or adding or removing another member or the Group itself may produce undefined behavior.

    The default value is null -- no function is called.

  • This read-only property returns an iterator over the member Parts of this Group. Setting Part.containingGroup to refer to this Group will add that part to this collection. The Parts can be Nodes, Links, Groups, or simple Parts.

    A template should not have any member parts.

  • Gets or sets the function that is called after a member Part has been removed from this Group. It is typically used to modify the appearance of the group. The first argument will be this Group. The second argument will be a Part, typically a Node, but may be a simple Part or a Link.

    If the value is a function, that function must not modify any membership relationships. The member Part has already been removed -- trying to add it or adding or removing another member or the Group itself may produce undefined behavior.

    The default value is null -- no function is called.

  • Gets or sets the predicate that determines whether or not a Part may become a member of this group. If this is non-null, the predicate is called in addition to any CommandHandler.memberValidation predicate.

    The default predicate is null, which is equivalent to simply returning true. The first argument will be this Group. The second argument will be a Part, typically a Node, but will not be a Link or an Adornment.

    The function, if supplied, must not have any side-effects.

  • This read-only property returns a Placeholder that this group may contain in its visual tree. The value may be null if there is no Placeholder in the visual tree of this Group.

    There may be at most one Placeholder in a Group. The Placeholder determines the Part.location for the Group, when it is visible, and even when isSubGraphExpanded is false. When there is a Placeholder, the Part.locationObjectName is ignored and the Part.locationObject will be this Placeholder.

  • Gets or sets the function that is called when isSubGraphExpanded has changed value. The argument to that function will be this Group.

    If the value is a function, that function must not expand or collapse any groups. The Group has already been expanded or collapsed -- trying to change it again may produce undefined behavior.

    The default value is null -- no function is called.

  • Gets or sets whether the user may ungroup this group. The initial value is false.


  • Hide each of the member nodes and links of this group, and recursively collapse any member groups. This changes the value of Part.isVisible of the whole subgraph and the parts owned by those member nodes and links. However, this group's visibility is unchanged.

    This sets isSubGraphExpanded to false on this group and on all of the nested Groups. For those nested Groups that were expanded, wasSubGraphExpanded is set to true.

    This method does not perform a transaction or start any animation.

    To collapse trees made of Nodes and Links, use Node.collapseTree.

    Returns void

  • Show each member node and link, and perhaps recursively expand nested subgraphs. This may change the value of Part.isVisible of the whole subgraph and the parts owned by those member nodes and links. However, this group's visibility is unchanged.

    This sets isSubGraphExpanded to true on this group and on all of the nested Groups. This will expand a nested group only if its wasSubGraphExpanded property was true.

    This method does not perform a transaction or start any animation.

    To expand trees made of Nodes and Links, use Node.expandTree.

    Returns void

  • Returns an iterator over all of the Links that connect with this group or any node contained by this group, in either direction, but that are not internal to this group.

    Links that are contained by this group (even in nested groups) are not included in the result collection.

    Returns Iterator<Link>

  • Returns an iterator over all of the Nodes that are connected with this group or any node contained by this group, by a link in either direction, but that are not internal to this group.

    Nodes that are contained by this group (even in nested groups) are not included in the result collection. However this group itself might be in the results if there is a reflexive link connected to this group.

    Returns Iterator<Node>

  • Return a collection of Parts that are all of the nodes and links that are members of this group, including inside nested groups and label nodes, but excluding this group itself.

    For member nodes that are Groups, this will include its members recursively.

    If you want only the immediate members of this group, use the memberParts property.

    If you want to find the collection of Nodes and Links that are in the subtree of a given Node, use Node.findTreeParts.

    Returns Set<Part>

  • Move this Group and all of its member parts, recursively.

    This method does not perform a transaction or start any animation.


    • newpos: Point

      a new Point in document coordinates.

    • Optional useLocation: boolean

      true if you want to set the location instead of the position. False by default.

    Returns void