Interface ThemeColors

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.21
by Northwoods Software®

An interface describing an object with string or number keys and BrushLike values.

The optional properties on this interface outline various values used by default templates.

Setting these values allows for some customization of built in templates without providing new definitions. For example, one could use the default link template and customize the color:

myDiagram.themeManager.set('', {
colors: { link: 'turquoise' }

Or change the color of the selection adornment without providing custom selectionAdornmentTemplates:

myDiagram.themeManager.set('', {
colors: { selection: 'pink' }



[index: string]: BrushLike | BrushLike[] | ThemeColors | undefined

The index property, allowing for any other color or group of colors to be defined.



The fill color of the various default tool handles, such as ResizingTool.handle.

The stroke color of the various default tool handles, such as ResizingTool.handle.

The stroke color of the built in "Comment" node template and link template.

The background color of the diagram's div, if using ThemeManager.changesDivBackground.

The stroke color of the default

The stroke color of major gridlines in the default Diagram.grid.

The stroke color of minor gridlines in the default Diagram.grid.

The fill color of the built in group shape.

The stroke/fill color the built in link template and link label.

The stroke color of the built in group shape.

The stroke color of the default

The stroke color of the default selection adornment.

The stroke color of the default LinkingBaseTool.temporaryLink.

The text color of the built in node, group, and item template.