Class PolygonDrawingTool

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.21
by Northwoods Software®

This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. Note that the API for this class may change at any time. If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. See the Extensions intro page for more information.

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Tool
    • PolygonDrawingTool

The PolygonDrawingTool class lets the user draw a new polygon or polyline shape by clicking where the corners should go. Right click or type ENTER to finish the operation.

Set isPolygon to false if you want this tool to draw open unfilled polyline shapes. Set archetypePartData to customize the node data object that is added to the model. Data-bind to those properties in your node template to customize the appearance and behavior of the part.

This tool uses a temporary go.Shape, temporaryShape, held by a go.Part in the "Tool" layer, to show interactively what the user is drawing.

If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Polygon Drawing sample.




  • Gets or sets the node data object that is copied and added to the model when the drawing operation completes.

  • Gets or sets whether this tool draws shapes with quadratic bezier curves for each segment, or just straight lines.

    The default value is false -- only use straight lines.

  • Gets or sets whether this tool only places the shape's corners on the Diagram's visible grid. The default value is false

  • Gets or sets whether this tool draws shapes with only orthogonal segments, or segments in any direction. The default value is false -- draw segments in any direction. This does not restrict the closing segment, which may not be orthogonal.

  • Gets or sets whether this tools draws a filled polygon or an unfilled open polyline.

    The default value is true.

  • Gets or sets the Shape that is used to hold the line as it is being drawn.

    The default value is a simple Shape drawing an unfilled open thin black line.


  • Don't start this tool in a mode-less fashion when the user's mouse-down is on an existing Part. When this tool is a mouse-down tool, it requires using the left mouse button in the background of a modifiable Diagram. Modal uses of this tool will not call this canStart predicate.

    Returns boolean

  • Start a transaction, capture the mouse, use a "crosshair" cursor, and start accumulating points in the geometry of the temporaryShape.

    Returns void

  • Typing the "ENTER" key accepts the current geometry (excluding the current mouse point) and creates a new part in the model by calling finishShape.

    Typing the "Z" key causes the previous point to be discarded.

    Typing the "ESCAPE" key causes the temporary Shape and its geometry to be discarded and this tool to be stopped.

    Returns void

  • Add another point to the geometry of the temporaryShape.

    Returns void

  • Move the last point of the temporaryShape's geometry to follow the mouse point.

    Returns void

  • Do not stop this tool, but continue to accumulate Points via mouse-down events.

    Returns void

  • Start a transaction, capture the mouse, use a "crosshair" cursor, and start accumulating points in the geometry of the temporaryShape.

    Returns void

  • Stop the transaction and clean up.

    Returns void

  • Add a new node data JavaScript object to the model and initialize the Part's position and its Shape's geometry by copying the temporaryShape's go.Shape.geometry.

    Returns void

  • Undo: remove the last point and continue the drawing of new points.

    Returns void