Enumeration LayeredDigraphAlign

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.21
by Northwoods Software®

These enumerated values can be bitwise combined as values for the LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption property, which controls how LayeredDigraphLayout attempts to align nodes during straightening and packing.




Enumeration Members

Enable all options for the LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption property; See also UpperLeft, UpperRight, LowerLeft, and LowerRight.

This option will tend to balance nodes compared to their neighbors.

This option aligns and compacts nodes based on lower neighbors, favoring leftmost neighbors.

This option aligns and compacts nodes based on lower neighbors, favoring rightmost neighbors.

This option means the the layout will pack nodes using the LayeredDigraphLayout.packOption instead of LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption.

This option aligns and compacts nodes based on upper neighbors, favoring leftmost neighbors.

This option aligns and compacts nodes based on upper neighbors, favoring rightmost neighbors.