Interface IncrementalData

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.13
by Northwoods Software®

Interface for the output object of Model.toIncrementalData.

All properties of this object are optional, as they are only included if changes occurred. For instance, if a transaction didn't include any changes to modelData, the modelData property of this interface won't be included on the output object.

Any shared or cyclic references within the model data will be maintained on the data included on this output object.





Array of link keys added. Any key included will also be included in the modifiedLinkData array.

Array of node keys added. Any key included will also be included in the modifiedNodeData array.

Object containing the modified Model.modelData.

Array of link data objects modified.

Array of node data objects modified.

Array of link keys deleted.

Array of node keys deleted.