Enumeration CycleMode

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.21
by Northwoods Software®

This enumeration specifies how the Diagram should handle cycles in graphs. Used for Diagram.validCycle.




Enumeration Members

This value states that there are no restrictions on making cycles of links.

This value states that any number of destination links may go out of a node, but at most one source link may come into a node, and there are no directed cycles.

This value assumes that the graph does not already have any cycles in it, or else the behavior may be indeterminate.

This value states that a valid link from a node will not produce a directed cycle in the graph.

This value states that a valid link from a node will not produce an undirected cycle in the graph.

This value states that any number of source links may come into a node, but at most one destination link may go out of a node, and there are no directed cycles.

This value assumes that the graph does not already have any cycles in it, or else the behavior may be indeterminate.