Enumeration ChangeType

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.19
by Northwoods Software®

This enumeration specifies possible values for ChangedEvent.change.




Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

For inserting into collections. The modified object is given by ChangedEvent.object. Use the optional ChangedEvent.propertyName to distinguish between different collections on the object. Use the ChangedEvent.newValue property to indicate the value that was inserted. Use the optional ChangedEvent.newParam property to indicate where or how, such as an array index or dictionary key.

For simple property changes. The name of the property is given by ChangedEvent.propertyName. The modified object is given by ChangedEvent.object. Use the ChangedEvent.oldValue and ChangedEvent.newValue properties for the previous and next property values.

For model changes, the ChangedEvent.modelChange may be non-empty, indicating a structural change to the model.

For removing from collections. The modified object is given by ChangedEvent.object. Use the optional ChangedEvent.propertyName to distinguish between different collections on the object. Use the ChangedEvent.oldValue property to indicate the value that was removed. Use the optional ChangedEvent.oldParam property to indicate where or how, such as an array index or dictionary key.

For informational events, such as transactions and undo/redo operations. The ChangedEvent.object refers to the Transaction affected, if any. The ChangedEvent.propertyName distinguishes the different transaction or undo or redo stages. The ChangedEvent.oldValue may provide the transaction name, if available, as given to UndoManager.commitTransaction.