Class Brush

GoJS® Diagramming Components
version 3.0.13
by Northwoods Software®

A Brush holds color information and describes how to draw the inside of a Shape or the stroke of a shape or a TextBlock or the background of any GraphObject.

A Brush must not be modified once it has been assigned to a GraphObject, such as the Shape.fill or TextBlock.stroke or GraphObject.background. However, a Brush may be shared by multiple GraphObjects.



  • Construct a Brush class that holds the given color information.


    • Optional type: string | BrushType

      Optional, one of the values BrushType.Solid, BrushType.Linear, BrushType.Radial, BrushType.Pattern, or a well-formed CSS string describing a solid color brush. No parameter defaults to a BrushType.Solid with a color description of 'black'.

    • Optional init: Partial<Brush> & Record<number, string>

      Optional initialization properties. In addition to Brush properties, this object can also contain color stops in the format: { 0: "#FEC901", 0.2: "#FFFFAA", 1: "#FEA200" }

    Returns Brush


  • Gets or sets the color of a solid Brush. The default value is 'black'. The value must be a valid CSS color string.

  • Gets or sets a Map holding all of the color stops used in this gradient, where the key is a number, the fractional distance between 0 and 1 (inclusive), and where the corresponding value is a color string.

    Call addColorStop in order to add color stops to this brush. This property value may be null if no gradient stops have been defined.

  • Gets or sets the radius of a radial brush at the end location. The default value is NaN.

  • Gets or sets the radius of a radial brush at the start location. The default value is 0.

  • Gets or sets the type of brush. The default value is BrushType.Solid. The value must be a BrushType. If the new value is a linear or radial brush type, and if the start or end spots are not specific spots, they are changed to be specific spots, depending on the type of brush.


  • Specify a particular color at a particular fraction of the distance. If the type is BrushType.Solid, change the type to BrushType.Linear. You should not have duplicate color stop values at the same fractional distance.


    • loc: number

      A number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    • color: string

      A valid CSS color string.

    Returns Brush

    this Brush

  • Create a copy of this Brush with the same values.

    Returns Brush

  • Modifies all colors within this Brush, darkening them by some fraction.


    • Optional fraction: number

      Fraction to darken the colors by. Defaults to 0.2, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    • Optional mode: ColorSpace

      Color space to use for adjusting. Must be a ColorSpace value, defaults to ColorSpace.Oklch.

    Returns Brush

    This Brush with modified color values.

  • This function determines whether this Brush is "dark."

    Returns boolean



  • Modifies all colors within this Brush, lightening them by some fraction.


    • Optional fraction: number

      Fraction to lighten the colors by. Defaults to 0.2, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    • Optional mode: ColorSpace

      Color space to use for adjusting. Must be a ColorSpace value, defaults to ColorSpace.Oklch.

    Returns Brush

    This Brush with modified color values.

  • This static function takes a color and darkens it by 20% in the Lab color space. This is a convenience function which calls Brush.darkenBy.


    • color: string

      A valid CSS color string.

    Returns string

    A CSS string for the darkened color in RGBA.

  • This static function takes a color and darkens it.


    • color: string

      A valid CSS color string

    • Optional fraction: number

      Fraction to darken the color by. Defaults to 0.2, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    • Optional mode: ColorSpace

      Color space to use for adjusting. Must be a ColorSpace value, defaults to ColorSpace.Oklch.

    Returns string

    A CSS string for the darkened color in RGBA or HSLA.

  • This static function takes a color and determines whether it is "dark." Does not account for transparency.

    Example usage:

    myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
    new go.Node('Auto')
    new go.Shape('RoundedRectangle', { strokeWidth: 0 })
    .bind('fill', 'color'),
    new go.TextBlock({ margin: 8 })
    // Dark nodes use white text, light nodes use black text
    .bind('stroke', 'color', c => go.Brush.isDark(c) ? 'white' : 'black')
    .bind('text', 'key')


    • color: BrushLike

      A valid CSS color string or a Brush.

    Returns boolean



  • This static function returns true if a given color string is well-formed for drawing.


    • color: string

      A color string to validate.

    Returns boolean

  • This static function takes a color and lightens it by 20% in the Lab color space. This is a convenience function which calls Brush.lightenBy.


    • color: string

      A valid CSS color string.

    Returns string

    A CSS string for the lightened color in RGBA.

  • This static function takes a color and lightens it.


    • color: string

      A valid CSS color string.

    • Optional fraction: number

      Fraction to lighten the colors by. Defaults to 0.2, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    • Optional mode: ColorSpace

      Color space to use for adjusting. Must be a ColorSpace value, defaults to ColorSpace.Oklch.

    Returns string

    A CSS string for the lightened color in RGBA or HSLA.

  • This static function takes two colors and mixes them together, using the (optionally) specified amount of the second color.


    • color1: string

      A valid CSS color string.

    • color2: string

      Another valid CSS color string to mix.

    • Optional fraction: number

      Fraction specifying how much color2 to mix into color1. Defaults to .5, must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

    Returns string



  • This static function can be used to generate a random color.


    • Optional min: number

      A number between 0 and 255, defaults to 128.

    • Optional max: number

      A number between 0 and 255, defaults to 255.

    Returns string

    A color value in # hexadecimal format.



See ColorSpace.HSL.


See ColorSpace.Lab.


See BrushType.Linear.


See BrushType.Pattern.


See BrushType.Radial.


See BrushType.Solid.